
Uncategorized, Whippet Echoes

Whippet Echoes April 2023

This 198th edition of Whippet Echoes brings news of both academic and athletic successes plus a noteworthy retirement.  Reactions to February 15 edition of Whippet Echoes: New Whippet Echoes Network Members: Passings News End of an era.  School superintendents can make


Doris May Pry obituary

Doris May Pry passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at the age of 95. She is survived by her son Melvin Pry \’70. She was

Whippet Echoes

Whippet Echoes February 2023

This 197th edition of Whippet Echoes shines a deservedly bright light on the academic and musical successes of several SHS students. Reactions to the January 3 Whippet Echoes edition: “Always look forward to the Whippet Echoes newsletters. Thanks to this energetic


Timothy Guenther obituary

Timothy E. Guenther \’73 is survived by his wife Elizabeth (Betty) Guenther,  and sister Lori J. (Guenther) Stewart \’79. Tim was inducted into the SHS Hall of Distinction in 2015. Timothy E.

Whippet Echoes

Whippet Echoes January 2023

This 196th edition of Whippet Echoes takes readers to the skies with one young bird on its maiden flight and two SHS grads flying much bigger “birds” to word of alumni support for our alma mater.

Whippet Echoes

Whippet Echoes November 2022

This 195th edition of Whippet Echoes brings word of cross country running championships, cross nation hiking success, and reunions – big and small – aplenty.  Reactions to October 15 edition of Whippet Echoes “Great job as always!”  Mike Martin

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